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Showing articles from Prechat survey tag

How to disable pre-chat form

To disable the pre-chat form, follow the steps below: Step 1:  Login to your HappyFox Chat account. Step 2:  Click on Prechat form from the main menu. Step 3:  Turn OFF  "Show Pre-chat form"  option. Disabling the pre-chat form allows your customers to chat with your agents without entering their details. A…

March 13 2018 Production Release

New feature: Pre-chat form fields - You can now collect more information from your website visitors in the pre-chat form. You will now have a provision to add additional fields to your live chat and offline forms in your HappyFox Chat account. This provision is available in mighty and above plans. Click here to …

How to collect visitor details on pre-chat form?

To collect your visitors' name, email and contact number before starting a chat, enable the pre-chat form option in your HappyFox Chat account. Only Admin role enabled agents will have access to this setting Steps to enable pre-chat form and details to be collected: Step 1:  Log in to your HappyFox Chat account. (…

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