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Showing articles from track chat events tag

HappyFox Chat widget events

You can record chat related events of HappyFox Chat widget with following integrations: * Google Analytics * * Mixpanel List of events that can be tracked: 1. Chat badge clicked : When any visitor clicks on your chat button. 2. Chat started : When any visitor sends his first message to start a new …

How to track source / location of chat visitors on Google Analytics?

By integrating Google Analytics and HappyFox Chat, you can track events like Chat badge clicked, chat started, chat ended, agent joined chat, Triggered Chat activated and Offline message sent. If you have not enabled Google Analytics on your HappyFox Chat account, kindly follow the steps explained  here . With …

How to track events on Google Analytics via Google Tag Manager?

This article will guide you on how to track the HappyFox Chat related events on Google Analytics using Google Tag Manager. A. Enable Google Analytics on HappyFox Chat: Step 1:  Login to your HappyFox Chat Account. Step 2:  Go to  Apps  →  Google Analytics. Step 3:  Click on  INSTALL  button. Step 4:  Click on  E…

Enable integration with Segment

By integrating Segment with HappyFox Chat, you can track chat widget events like Chat badge clicked (by the visitor), Agent joined the Chat, Chat started, Chat ended, Offline Message sent and Triggered Chat activated. This integration is available in all the plans. Only Admin has the access to integrate Segment …

Enable Integration with Mixpanel

By enabling Mixpanel integration you can, * Send data from your HappyFox Chat account to Mixpanel. * Track your visitor's behavior on the chat widget installed on your website. * View visitor engagement information from Mixpanel during an ongoing chat. Only Admin has the access to Integrate Mixpanel with HappyF…

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