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Showing articles from bug fixes tag

December 05 2018 Production Release

Announcement: HappyFox Chat now supports MS Dynamics v9(2018 edition). Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where the MS Dynamics account integration(v8) was failing in HappyFox Chat.

November 17 2017 Production Release

Bug fixes: 1. We stopped supporting Safari 11 and up versions(Mac OS) last week as we observed some UI breaks in the app. We have resolved them now. HappyFox Chat is now supported in all current versions of Safari browser. 2. Fixed a bug where the webpage automatically scrolled down when the user refreshes or navigat…

June 24 2017 Production Release

New Features: 1. Work hours - You can set specific work hours for your website profiles. Click here to know more. 2. Live chat translation - Your website visitor's incoming chat messages will be detected and automatically converted to the language that your support agent understands.We make use of Google Translate f…

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