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Home > Features > HappyFox Ticket Details
HappyFox Ticket Details
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If you have integrated HappyFox Chat with your HappyFox helpdesk account, you can view the ticket details on each chat transcript under the History section of your chat account. For every completed/missed chat (with email id/phone number) and offline message, new tickets are created on helpdesk.


On clicking any of the chat transcript under Chat history, you can view the corresponding chat ticket's details on the right bottom. Below are the details fetched from HappyFox to the chat transcript:


Ticket ID - The Chat Transcript will be created as a ticket in HappyFox HelpDesk, whose ID will be displayed here. Ticket ID is a hyperlink which on being clicked, will be directed to the particular ticket in HappyFox HelpDesk.

Status - Status of the Ticket in HappyFox HelpDesk.

Assignee - The staff/agent to whom the ticket is assigned to, in HappyFox HelpDesk.

Due Date - Due Date for that ticket in HappyFox HelpDesk.

Last Responded - The Time/Day on, when there was a last response that was being sent to the customer from the staff, in HappyFox HelpDesk.

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