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Showing articles from CSP tag

HappyFox Chat Widget Content-Security-Policy

Customers who install HappyFox Chat widget in pages which use Content Security Policy (CSP) should extend their CSP policy to include following domains in respective directives. script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval' *;  connect-src 'self' *.happyfox…

December 12 2017 Production Release

**Announcement:** HappyFox Chat Agent app now adheres to **CSP (Content security policy).** This helps to guard against various security attacks and prevents execution of malicious content in the page.

December 02 2018 Production Release

**New**: We have released a new version of Desktop apps for both mac and Windows. We have resolved issues and made a few performance tweaks to the Desktop apps. You can uninstall the previous version of the app and install the latest version - v. 2.0.5 from from the goodies section in your HappyFox Chat account. …

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