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Home > App Integrations > How to integrate with Magento 2
How to integrate with Magento 2
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This article is for Magento Store version 2.0 and above. If you're looking for an integration document for older versions of Magento > Click Here.

HappyFox Chat-Magento 2 integration benefits:

  • You can view Live cart info, the history of orders, the list of items, and the statuses of each order of signed-in users.  
  • You can view only the history of orders placed, the list of items, and the status of each order for guest users.

Magento integration is available in all the plans.

Only Admin of HappyFox Chat account can set up this integration.

Pre-requisites before integrating HappyFox Chat with Magento 2:

Disable access token expiration:

1. Log in to your Magento  2 account.
2. Navigate to Stores -> Configurations -> Services -> OAuth.
3. Select "Access Token Expiration" tab.
4. Change both "Customer Token Lifetime" and "Admin Token Lifetime" field values to be empty. Uncheck "Use system value" checkbox to change the default values.

How to integrate?

1. Login to your HappyFox Chat account.

2. Go to Apps E-commerce → Magento 2.

3. Click the INSTALL button.

4. Enter your Magento store's admin URL in the format shown in the image, Username, and password, and click Connect button.

5. Now your Magento Account is integrated with your HappyFox Chat account.

6. Update your preferences under 'Settings' and click 'Update Settings' button.

How to install HappyFox Chat widget in Magento 2.0?

1. Log in to your Magento 2.0 account.

2. Go to the Content tab on the left pane and Click "Configuration" under design.

3. Click "edit" option on the site and paste the installation code under Footer tab and Click "Save Configuration".

You are all set! HappyFox Chat widget will be installed:

Integration Details in Chat Window:

View live cart and orders during an ongoing chat session for signed-in users:


Order details and List of items in the order:

Live cart details and the list of items in the cart:

Can I use limited permission Magento 2 user account to integrate?

1. Create an API user role and allow the role to access sales, customers, and carts.

2. Now assign this role to a user and integrate.

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