HappyFox Chat users can update their profile details from the "Edit Profile" section of their account.
On clicking the edit profile option, a popup will be displayed where you can modify your profile information, update your e-mail & password, enable/disable email notifications and set up 2FA.
A. Your Profile:
i) Under this section, you can update your image, Name and Display Name.
ii) To change the display picture, click on the existing image, choose the preferred image, and click Save Changes.
B. Email & Password Section:
To change the email id, enter a new email id in the place of the existing one and click "Change Email".
A verification email will be sent to the new email id for confirmation. Click 'Update Email' to log in to HappyFox Chat using this new email id.
Similarly, click the "Change Password" link below the email id field to set a new password. Once done hit "Change Password" button.
Changing email id will log out the user from all their devices.
Changing the password from the edit profile menu will log out the user from all sessions except the one from where he changed his password.
C. Email Notifications:
In the section, staff can enable/disable email notifications for chat ratings.
Staff with Admin role:
Staff with Agent/custom role:
D. Two-factor Authentication:
Click on the arrow for setting up the Two-Factor Authentication.
For more details on the Two-factor Authentication setup, please refer to this article.