Aug 17, 2020
New features:
- Date picker pre-chat field
- Customers can now add date picker field in pre-chat/offline form, so that visitors can easily fill in dates.
- Multi select support for Bot
- Visitors can now answer bot question with multiple options.
- Increased canned response text character limit from 500 to 1000.
- Agent web app will now work in iPad Safari browser.
- Widget can now be customised to not minimise automatically post offline form submission.
- We have enhanced sentry integration to give non - PII contextual info for crashes to help us debug future crashes quickly.
- GDPR consent checkbox in widget offline form will now respect the user settings.
- Triggered chat/Proactive chat pop up will not steal visitor's cursor focus anymore.
- Multiple clicks on other chat tile to start monitoring is handled.
- Barged in agent details will be instantly updated in visitor tiles under visitors tab.
- Custom pre-chat fields updated by agent will be synced back to visitor widget instantly.
- Account cancellation after grace period will happen seamlessly.
- Clicking on "Add Tag" button will take focus to input box for easy filling.
- Widget crash is avoided during pre-chat field unset action.
- Stopped sending rating transcript emails of missed chat to agent who have not confirmed their invite.
- V2 agent will not be redirected to V1 app during log out.
- Agent can now logout from app post account trial expiration.
- Visitor widget titlebar will hide or show agent name as per user settings.
- Other security fixes