Apr 18, 2016
- Login to your HappyFox Chat Account.
- Go to Manage-->Installation.
- Copy the Installation code by clicking on "Copy to Clipboard" button.
Installation Steps:
- Login to your Drupal admin account.
- Go to Configuration-->Content Authoring-->Text Formats.
- Create a new text format by clicking on 'Add Text Format' button.
- Name it as "Unfiltered" and have Administrator check box enabled and other check boxes disabled and click 'Save' button.
- Go to Structure-->Block.
- Click "Add Block" button.
- Name the block as "HappyFox Chat" and description as "Installation Code for HappyFox Chat Code".
- Paste the HappyFox Chat Installation code in the body section of the block.
- Below that, change the text format to "Unfiltered" type and click on 'Save' button.
- Now, on HappyFox Chat block and select 'Footer' from the drop down list and click 'Save' button.
- That's it and you should now be able to see the HappyFox Chat widget appear on your Drupal website.